Albert Smith

Albert Smith WW1

Albert Smith

Albert Smith was born October 10, 1891 in St. Luke's, Finsbury, London. His parents were John and Catherine Smith who owned a fish shop. In the 1911 census they were living at 53, Bath Street, St. Luke's. They had been married 39 years,had had 11 children, 3 of whom had died. 4 children still lived at home and were single.

Albert had enlisted January 24, 1910 in the Royal Field Artillery. He was 19 years and 3 months old. He enlisted for 6 years. Albert was 5' 7" tall, had a sallow complexion, brown eyes and dark brown hair. He had tattoos on his left forearm.

Albert was posted to the 66th Battery (RFA) which was part of the IV. Royal Field Artillery Brigade. The battery  armed with six 18 Pounder Field Guns became part of the Divisional Artillery of the 7th Meerut Division of the 3rd (Lahore) Corps of the Indian Army. A Regular Division of the Indian Army it arrived in France in October 1914. Served in France and Flanders until December 1915 when the Division was directed to Mesopotamia. Here the Division remained until December 1917 when it was posted to Egypt. The Division served in Egypt and then Palestine until the Armistice (31 October 1918). It is highly likely that Albert Smith had been involved in the following battles and engagements listed underneath the photograph below.

Christmas Card 1914

Albert Smith WW1

Albert Smith, sergeant, second right back row.

France and Flanders

Battle of La Bassee. 10 Oct-2 Nov 1914.

Defence of Festubert. 23-24 Nov 1914.

Defence of Givenchy. 20-21 Dec 1914.

Battleof Neuve Chappelle. 10-13 Mar 1915.

Battle of Aubers. 9 May 1915, including the attack on Fromelles and the attack at Rue du Bois.

Battle of Festubert. 15-25 May 1915.

Battle of Loos. 25 Sep-8 Oct 1915.

Action of Pietre. 25 Sep 1915. 


Action of Shaikh Saad. 6-8 Jan 1916.

Action of the Wadi. 13 Jan 1916.

First action on the Hanna. 21 Jan 1916.

Attack on the Dujaila Redoubt. 8 Mar 1916.

First attack on Sannaiyat. 6 Apr 1916.

Second attack on Sannaiyat. 9 Apr 1916.

Third attack on Sannaiyat. 22 Apr 1916.

Capture of Sannaiyat. 17-24 Feb 1917.

Operations on the Tigris right bank. 9-10 Mar 1917.

Occupation of Baghdad. 11 Mar 1917.

Actions of Mushahida. 14 Mar 1917.

Action of Istabulat. 21-22 Apr 1917.

Occupation of Samarra. 24 Apr 1917. 


Battle of Sharon. 19-23 Sep 1918.

Christmas card 1914


Albert Smith, Mayor of Finsbury, 1958/59

Albert Smith, Mayor of Finsbury, 1958/59.


Albert Smith, ARP warden

Albert Smith, ARP warden.

Albert's army number was 61012 and he later became a sergeant. Albert received his Third Class Certificate of Education while serving.

On his discharge January 23, 1922 Albert had served 9 years 147 days, 2 years 218 days of which were served in the reserve. Albert's character was described as very good, honest, sober and trustworthy.

Albert served as an ARP warden in WW2. He also became Mayor of Finsbury 1958/59.

Albert is the father of Mrs Lilian Wheeler and grandfather of Christopher Wheeler of Aycliffe.