Gibson Wills

Vivien Ellis

Transcriptions August 10, 2006


EP/Ay/12/2 3 rd February 1702

 Thomas Gibson late of East Hartburn in the parish of Norton left by his will dated the 3 rd February, 1702 a plot of 1½ acres ground called the Mill Holm in the township of Aycliffe to the poor of said parish to be distributed in White Bread every Sabbath day to poor widows who attend Church.


EP/Ay/12/6 25 th July 1785

 This Indenture made the Twenty fifth Day of July in the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the year of our lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty five

Between John Gibson of Hurworth in the County of Durham & Gentleman of the one Part And James Robson Vicar of Great Ayckliff in the said County Clerk of the other Part. Whereas the Honourable William Digby Doctor of Divinity Dean and Chapter of Durham of the Cathedral Church of Christ and Blessed Mary the Virgin by their Indenture of Lease duly executed under their Chapter Seal bearing Date the Twenty fifth Day of September One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty two and made or mentioned to be made between the said Dean and Chapter of the one Part and the said John Gibson of the other Part, for the Considerations therein mentioned Did Domise grant to lett unto the said John Gibson his Executors Administrators Assigns All that their full two Thirds Parts (the whole being divided into three) of one Tenement in the Township Territories and Fields of Ayckliff aforesaid with all manner of Houses Buildings Lands Meadows Closes Pastures Grounds, Arable and not arable and all and singulars the Appurtenances to the said two Thirds Parts belonging Together with all the Comon of the Moor to the whole Tenement belonging being formerly in the Tenure and Occupation of Robert Chambers and his Assigns And also all that their Close or parcel of Grounds in the said Township the Fields adjoining on the South side of the Walk Mill there, the Mill Holme and also all those their two Cottages scituate and being in Ayckliff aforesaid with all and singular Commodities Ways Easements and Appurtenances thereunto belonging All which Premises then were and as are in the Tenure and Occupation of the said John Gibson or his Assigns (Except nevertheless as in the said Indenture is mentioned to be excepted) To Hold the same Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said John Gibson his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the twentyninth day of June in the Year of our lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty two unto the full End and Term and during all the whole Term of Twenty one Years thenceforth next and immediately following fully to be compleat ended and run under the Yearly Rent of Three Pounds Six Shillings & Four pence payable as therein is mentioned as in and by the said Indenture of Lease may more fully appear And Whereas the said recited Lease as to that part of the Premises therein comprised called the Mill Holme was so taken in the same to the Vicar of Great Ayckliff aforesaid for Time being his Successors and Assigns to and for the Intents and purposes herein after mentioned in that behalf How this Indenture Witnesseth that as well in discharge of the said Trust as for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty Shillings of Lawful Money of Great Britain by the said James Robson to the said John Gibson in Hand paid on or before the sealing and Delivering of these Presents, the receipt whereof he the said John Gibson doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom doth acquit release and discharge the said James Robson his successors and Assigns and every of them by these Presents and for divorse other good Considerations thereunto moving the said John Gibson Hath transferred assigned and sett over and by these Presents Doth transferr assign and sett over unto the said James Robson his successors and Assigns All that the said Close or parcel of Ground called or known by the Name of the Mill Holme with the rights members and Appurtenances thereunto belonging as the same is now in the Possession of Ralph Thompson as Tenant thereof And all the Estate right Title Interest Trust Possession Property Claim Right and benefit of renewal Claim and demand whatsoever of him the said John Gibson of in or to the said Close or any part thereof To have And to hold the said Close or parcel of Ground called the Mill Holme mentioned or intended to be hereby assigned with the Appurtenances unto the said James Robson his Successors and Assigns from henceforth for and during all the residue and remainder of the said Term of Twenty one Years yet to come and unexpired and for all other the Estate and Interest of him the said John Gibson his Executors Administrators or Assigns of in or the same or any part thereof In Trust nevertheless to and for such Intents and Purposes as are mentioned and expressed concerning the same in and by the last will and Testament of Thomas Gibson late of East Harburne aforesaid Yeoman deceased bearing date on or about the Third Day of February in the Year of our lord One Thousand seven Hundred and two, and to for and upon none other Trust Intent or Purpose whatsoever Under the Yearly Rent of one Shilling to be paid to the said John Gibson his Executors Administrators or Assigns at the Feast of Pentecost Yearly during the residue of the said Term And Subject to the Payment of the certain Sum of Twenty Shillings towards the Fine and Fees of every future renewal of the Lease of the whole recited Premises And the said John Gibson for himself his Executors Administrators and Assigns Doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said James Robson his Successors and Assigns in manner following (that is to say) that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said James Robson hos Successors and Assigns (to the Intents and purposes aforesaid) peaceably and quietly to have hold and occupy possess and enjoy the said Premises mentioned or intended to be hereby assigned with the Appurtenances for and during all the residue of the said Term of Twenty one Years yet to come and unexpired without Interruption or disturbance of the said John Gibson his Executors Admõrs or Assigns shall and will at his and their own proper Costs and Charges within Four Years… ensuing the date hereof renew the said recited Lease or take a new Lease from the Dean and Chapter aforesaid for the Time being of all the said Premises comprised in the said recited Indenture for a new Term of Twenty one Years to commence from the twentyninth day of June which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand and seven Hundred and Eightynine and so at the End of every seven Yearsnext after every renewal of the Lease of the said Premises And shall and will upon every such renewal produce the new Lease when required and at the Costs and Charges of the said James Robson his Successors or Assigns shalland will upon Payment or tender of Twenty Shillings to him or them towards the Fine and Fees thereof Assigns unto the said James Robson his Successors and Assigns the said Close or parcel of Ground called the Mill Holme with the Appurtenances for and during the then residue and remainder of such Term and Interest as he or they shall then have therein In Trust for the purposes aforesaid In Witness whereof the Part …??????...have to these Presents Interchangeably sett their Hands and Seals the ???? Day and Year first before written…

Signed Sealed and Delivered

(the Paper being first legally stamped)

in the Presence of us……………….Jn. Gibson Geo. Buchanan Haigh Robson

Received the Day and Year first before written by me the before ...............L s d

Mentioned John Gibson of and from the before mentioned James ..............1-0-0

Robson the Sum of Twenty Shillings in full for the

Consideration Money due to me as before mentioned

Witnesses to the Signing hereof Jn. Gibson Geo. Buchanan Haigh Robson