WW1 Exhibition

September 13 - 14, 2014

Aycliffe Village Hall

supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund

Colin Wilkinson, grandson of Charles Frederick Gell

Colin Wilkinson, grandson of Charles Frederick Gell, who is commemorated on Aycliffe War Memorial.

Edmund Leadbitter, grandson of Joseph Leadbitter and John Brannigan, who both served in WW1

Edmund Leadbitter, grandson of Joseph Leadbitter and John Brannigan, who both served in WW1.

People viewing display of crosses and map showing where 68 men who died are commemorated

Crosses commemorating the 68 men who died, and linked to places on the map where they are commemorated.

Boards displaying people researched

Displays showing photographs of those who served.

Marie Holde, whose uncle Edward Smith served in WW1

Marie Holden, centre, whose uncle Edward Smith served in WW1.

Poppy floral display by Elizabeth Lewis

Poppy floral display by Elizabeth Lewis.

Poppy tableau by St. Mary's Church sewing group

Poppy tableau by St. Mary's Church sewing group.

Flags from St. Clare's Church WW1 exhibition by Vic Hargreaves

WW1 flags from St. Clare's Church WW1 display by Ric Hargeaves.

Boards display research

Views of the boards displaying the research carried out by Aycliffe Village Local History Society.

Boards of research
Boards of research Boards of research
Boards of research Boards of research
Boards of research Boards of research
Boards of research Boards of research
Boards of research Boards of research
Boards of research Boards of research
Memorabilia Memorabilia

Frederick Horseman, grandfather of Pamela Baul

Frederick Horseman, grandfather of Pamela Baul.

WW1 nighdresses made by nuns in Malta

Memory boxes created by students of Greenfield Community College

Memory boxes created by students of Greenfield Community College, and poems by students of Aycliffe Village Primary School.

British Legion display

British Legion display from Aycliffe Village Primary School.


WW1 Militaria display belonging to Joe Ward.


Militaria Militaria
Militaria Militaria

War records

War records and information about men and women researched.