Dr William Osborne Lambert

An extract from his memoirs, first published 1912, sent by his great grand daughter Liz Law
Dr William Osborne Lambert Elizabeth Lambert
Doctor William Osborne Lambert M.D., L.R.C.P, LOND.and JP of the County Borough of Sunderland, Formerly Medical Officer RNR HMS "Trincomalee, and Medical Inspector and Adviser to the Marine Department of the Board of Trade for ports in the North of England.
Elizabeth Lambert nee Haggie, 1910

Although I am in "the sere and yellow lear" - the tranquil autumn of life, it has its compensations and does not give rise to any despondancy.  I am quite lagging superhuous on the stage of life. (sic)

Retired from practice (the fighting line) in cases of accident or sudden illness, I have been of use to my fellow men.  The Aycliffe Parish Council have just tendered me on behalf of the village their grateful thanks for the inestimable services I have rendered in many cases of serious accident and sudden illness by rendering first medical aid.  I am eager to give first medical aid.  There is no doctor in the village, the nearest being between two and three miles away.  He does the work of the village in which he resides and this village too.  A young doctor is much needed here.  Accidents are somewhat frequent, Aycliffe being on the great North Road, and there are only two railway stations withing a quarter of an hour of each other.  There are also extensived limestone quarries.

It is a good record of cases that have fallen to my lot during the last three months.  Two men with foreign bodies lodged in their wind pipes would very soon have been dead if I had not been on the spot.  I was able to locate the site of the obstruction by aid of the Xrays.  Another man fell down as though dead, overcome with carbonic oxide gas, inhaled in following his occupation at the lime kilns.  He came round with my efforts to restore suspended animation.  A poor woman and her rwo children were run down by a motor car.  Two poor fellows were injured on the railway.  A two year old infant had a very narrow escape from being killed - I just manage to snatch hold of it.  I go hurst myself in doing so.

All were anxious, critical cases, happily all ending in recovery and have earned my laurels affording me heartfelt happiness. I have not the nerve and endurance I once possessed.

This was published on the 1st January, 1912.

Dr William Osborne Lambert headstone

Headstone of Dr William Osborne Lambert, Elizabeth Lambert and their son William Osborne Lambert in Aycliffe Churchyard