Churchwardens of St. Andrew's Church, Aycliffe

taken from SALTIRE with kind permission of Valerie Brown

Year Aycliffe Brafferton Preston Woodham Entered as Churchwardens
1558 Edward Seirle
1641 Ralph Chambers, John Clement, William Harrison, William Heighley
1652 John Wilson
1738 Mr Wm. Norton, Mr Ralph Smith, Jno. Dowell, Jno. Addison
1739 Nicholas Graham Richard Thursby Thomas Brignall John Thompson
1742 Ralph Whitfield William Cowling David Taylorson Robert Walker
1743 George Norton John Lookup Thomas Pickering Robert Walker
1744 John Whitfield Francis Walker John Dacres Richard Grieveson
1745 John Walker Henry Young William Wearmouth Joseph Burton
1746 Robert Graham George Ord, Junr Thomas Smith Peter Burrell
1747 Robert Graham William Dowell Henry Whitfield Ralph Thompson
1748 Robert Clement Mr Thursby Robert Taylorson Robert Mitchel
1749 John Calvert Thomas Laingn John Smith Stephen Ellcoat
1750 Richard Bowness Thomas Ord Thomas Brignall William Rowell
1751 Thomas Hutchinson George Ord Anthony Dunn Ralph Smith
1752 James Whitfield John Lookup Anthony Dunn John Arrowsmith
1753 John Kelsey Mr Wardale Richard Smith John Thompson
1754 William Simpson Francis Watson John Nelson John Martindale
1755 No names in the Churchwardens' accounts
1756 No names in the Churchwardens' accounts
1757 Nicholas Graham William Cowl Thomas Smith Robert Walker
1758 Simon Cowling Richard Burdon David Taylorson John Arrowsmith, Junr
1759 John Taylorson Jacob Moody Robert Taylorson Benjamin Page
1760 William Harrison Thomas Ord John Addison Richard Grieveson
1761 John Perkin Michael Stephenson John Smith Benjamin Burton
1762 William Bowness William Bowes Anthony Dunn Peter Burrell
1763 Robert Hutchinson George Patterson Richard Smith George Cowling
1764 John Graham Henry Young John Nelson Ralph Proude
1765 Nicholas Graham Francis Watson John Dakers William Rowell
1766 John Graham William Wearmouth John Wearmouth Matthew Shotton
1767 James Simpson Thomas Rippon Thomas Smith William Tindall
1768 John Taylorson William Cowl David Taylorson John Thompson
1769 Thomas Pallister Christopher Dobinson Robert Taylorson John Arrowsmith
1770 John Graham Charles Colling John Addison Joseph Gibson
1771 Richard Kelsey Henry Young John Smith Robert Walker
1772 William Towers Christopher Jackson Anthony Dunn William Cheeseman
1773 George Etherington Thomas Wetherall John Maxwell George Wilkinson
1774 Thomas Hodgson Robert Wetherill John Nelson John Ellcoat
1775 Thomas Hodgson Christopher Dobinson John Dacres Richard Cook
1776 Nicholas Graham John Smurthwaite John Wearmouth William Brown
1777 Nicholas Graham George Ord Joseph Nicholson George Cowling
1778 Robert Jackson Thomas Ord James Clement John Arrowsmith
1779 Thomas Hodgson William Cowl William Robinson John Thompson
1780 Thomas Hodgson Henry Young John Garry Ralph Colling
1781 John Graham John Stamper John Dakers James Robson
1782 John Graham Charles Colling Thomas Hornsby George Lawson
1783 James Simpson George Thirkeld Thomas Sowerby Thomas Greenwell
1784 James Simpson Christopher Dobinson David Taylorson Richard Oliver
1785 James Simpson Robert Ord Henry Pig George Etherington
1786 James Simpson Thomas Ord John Johnson Robert Forster
1787 James Simpson Thomas Atkinson James Benton William Rowell Junr
1788 James Simpson John Jackson John Dakers William Maughan
1789 James Simpson Henry Young Thomas Smith John Hastwell
1790 James Simpson Edward Hall David Taylorson George Chipchase
1791 James Simpson T. Wetherell T. Hornsby J. Walker
1792 James Simpson J. Stamper T. Sowerby William Pattison
1793 Thomas Johnson Charles Colling John Dakers Michael Fenwick
1794 George Ord Christopher Dobinson John Dakers Francis Sherraton
1795 George Ord Robert Ord John Dakers Robert Walker
1796 George Ord Alexander Hall Thomas Hornsby Richard Parkin
1797 George Ord Matthew Brown George Cowling Junr John Potts
1798 George Ord Thomas Atkinson Edward Dodds John Young
1799 George Ord Alexander Hall Robert Taylor John Blenky
1800 George Ord Henry Young James Watson Robert Smith
1801 John Boazman Junr Edward Hall John Johnson Francis Sherraton
1802 James Simpson Edward Hall John Stainthrop T. Richardson
1803 Mr Simpson & Richard Richardson Thomas Wetherall J. Staindrop John Newton
1804 Mr Simpson John Stamper John Staindrop William Lawson
1805 Mr Simpson Charles Colling James Watson Baker Greenwell
1806 James Simpson Robert Ord James Watson Baker Greenwell
1807 James Simpson William Appleton George Waite Baker Greenwell
1808 Nicholas Graham John Stamper George Waite Baker Greenwell
1809 Nicholas Graham John Stamper George Waite Baker Greenwell
1810 Nicholas Graham John Stamper George Waite John Nelson
1811 Nicholas Graham Christopher Hodgson George Waite John Nelson
1812 Nicholas Graham Christopher Hodgson Joseph Dobbing John Nelson
1813 Nicholas Graham John Ord Joseph Dobbing Baker Greenwell
1814 Nicholas Graham John Ord Joseph Dobbing Baker Greenwell
1815 Nicholas Graham John Ord Joseph Dobbing Baker Greenwell
1816 Nicholas Graham John Ord James Watson Junr Baker Greenwell
1817 Nicholas Graham John Ord James Watson Junr John Nelson
1818 Nicholas Graham John Ord James Watson Junr John Nelson
1819 Nicholas Graham Goerge Ord James Watson Junr John Nelson
1820 Thomas Randyll John Bryson Joseph Dobinson Atkinson Greenwell
1821 John Stamper Nicholas Byers Robert Henderson Francis Sheraton
1822 John Tweddle John Stamper George Waite Francis Sheraton
1823 John Tweddle John Stamper George Wall Francis Sheraton
1824 John Tweddle John Stamper James Watson Francis Sheraton
1825 John Tweddle John Smith Robert Henderson Francis Sheraton
1826 John Tweddle Mark Boast John Wilkinson Francis Sheraton
1827 John Tweddle Edward Hall John Wilkinson John Nelson
1828 John Tweddle George Graham John Wilkinson John Nelson
1829 John Tweddle George Graham John Wilkinson John Burton
1830 John Tweddle George Graham Thomas Teasdale John Nelson
1831 John Tweddle George Graham Thomas Teasdale John Nelson
1832 John Tweddle John Graham Thomas Teasdale John Nelson
1833 John Tweddle Joseph Buckton James Watson John Nelson
1834 John Tweddle Joseph Buckton Richard Humble John Nelson
1835 John Tweddle Joseph Buckton Richard Humble John Nelson
1836 John Tweddle Joseph Buckton Henry Aungle John Nelson
1837 John Tweddle Joseph Buckton Henry Aungle John Nelson
1838 James Watson Joseph Buckton George Chapman John Nelson
1839 James Watson John Atkinson George Chapman Cuthbert Willis
1840 James Watson John Atkinson George Chapman Cuthbert Willis
1841 James Watson John Atkinson George Chapman Cuthbert Willis
1842 James Watson John Atkinson George Chapman Cuthbert Willis
1843 James Watson John Atkinson Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1844 James Watson John Atkinson Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1845 Samuel Swire John Atkinson Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1846 Samuel Swire John Atkinson Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1847 Samuel Swire George Ord Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1848 Samuel Swire George Ord Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1849 Samuel Swire George Ord Abraham Wearmouth Cuthbert Willis
1850 Samuel Swire George Ord Thomas Dobinson Cuthbert Willis
1851 Samuel Swire George Swainston Thomas Dobinson Cuthbert Willis
1852 Samuel Swire Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Cuthbert Willis
1853 Samuel Swire Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Cuthbert Willis
1854 Samuel Swire Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Cuthbert Willis
1855 Samuel Swire Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Cuthbert Willis
1856 Samuel Swire Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson William Woods
1857 Benton Ord Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1858 Benton Ord Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1859 Benton Ord Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1860 Benton Ord Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1861 Richard Harrison Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1862 Richard Harrison Edward Dunn Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1863 Richard Harrison Thomas Fenwick Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1864 Richard Harrison Henry Hadrick Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1865 Richard Harrison Henry Hadrick Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1866 Richard Harrison Henry Hadrick Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1867 Richard Harrison Henry Hadrick Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1868 Richard Harrison John Ord Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1869 Richard Harrison John Ord Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1870 Richard Harrison Robert Benton Ord Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1871 Richard Harrison Robert Benton Ord Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1872 Richard Harrison Robert Benton Ord Thomas Dobinson Henry Walker
1873 John Davison Robert Benton Ord John Lawson Henry Walker
1874 John Davison Robert Benton Ord John Lawson Henry Walker
1875 John Davison Robert Benton Ord John Lawson James Walker
1876 John Davison Robert Benton Ord John Lawson James Walker
1877 John Davison Robert Benton Ord John Lawson James Walker
1878 George Chapman Robert Benton Ord John Lawson James Walker
1879 George Chapman Robert Benton Ord George Richardson James Walker
1880 no name given Robert Benton Ord George Richardson James Walker
1881 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord George Richardson James Walker
1882 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord George Richardson James Walker
1883 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord George Richardson James Walker
1884 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1885 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1886 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1887 Thomas Littlefair Robert Benton Ord No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1888 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1889 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1890 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1891 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1892 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1893 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1894 William Baker Thomas Garry No names in Churchwardens' accounts
1895 William Baker William Robinson John Hill Thomas Bradley
1896 William Baker William Robinson John Hill Thomas Bradley
1897 William Baker William Robinson John Hill Thomas Bradley
1898 William Baker William Robinson John Hill Thomas Bradley
1899 William Baker William Robinson John Hill John Walker
1900 William Baker William Robinson John Hill John Walker
1901 William Baker William Robinson John Hill John Walker
1902 William Baker William Robinson John Hill George Ridley
1903 William Baker William Robinson John Hill George Ridley
1904 William Baker William Robinson John Hill George Ridley
1905 William Baker Robert Benton Ord John Hill William Walker
1906 William Baker Robert Benton Ord John Hill William Walker
1907 William Baker William T Ord John Hill William Walker
1908 William Baker William T Ord John Hill William Walker
1909 William Baker William T Ord William Hill William Walker
1910 William Baker William T Ord William Hill William Walker