Aycliffe Village DVD


Aycliffe Village

A Fox Dorman Production


Aycliffe Village Local History Society

Aycliffe Village Booklet

In 2008 Aycliffe Village Local History Society successfully applied to Awards for All for a grant of £10,000 to fund a project enabling the Society to produce a DVD recording 'A Social and Economic History of Aycliffe Village' based upon the art of local memory.

Ken Fox filmed and interviewed over 200 members of the community, both young and old, who played their part in the making of his film by way of face-to-face interviews, providing many treasured photographs and footage, and delving into their memories so that he could record their recollections.

Ken Fox and Phil Dorman spent many hours editing Ken's footage and creating the film from the wealth of information provided by the members of the community. A DVD will be delivered free to every household in Aycliffe Village.

Not all the information garnered has been able to be put into the film, so Pam Fox has created a 60 page booklet to accompany the DVD.

Below are photographs taken on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, at the formal launch of the DVD. The DVD was shown to Aycliffe Village Local History Society members, participants in the film, and invited guests, including the Mayor of Sedgefield District Council and the Mayor of Great Aycliffe.

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Ken Fox talking to a reporter
Pam Fox, compiler and computer genius
Phil Dorman, film editor and co-producer
Ken Fox, film maker and producer, talking to a reporter
Pam Fox, compiler of the booklet, and computer expert
Phil Dorman, film editor and co-producer, talking to Pam Fox
Margaret Wells, film star
Mary Shaw, film star
Alan Oates, Churchwarden, film star
Margaret Wells, film star
Mary Shaw, film star
Alan Oates, Churchwarden, film star
Michael Brunton, film star
Lily Smith and Muriel Scott, Film Stars
Donna Basham, film star
Michael Brunton, film star
Lily Smith and Muriel Scott, film stars
Donna Basham, film star
Audience eagerly awaiting the start of the viewing
Audience eagerly awaiting the start of the viewing
Audience eagerly awaoiting the viewing
The audience eagerly awaiting the start of the viewing
The audience eagerly awaiting the start of the viewing
The audience eagerly awaiting the start of the viewing
Audience eagerly awaiting the start of the viewing
Audience eagerly awaiting the viewing
John Robinson, the Mayor of Sedgefield District Council talking to the Mayor of Great Aycliffe and his wife
John Robinson, the Mayor of Sedgefield District Council talking to the Mayor of Great Aycliffe and his wife
Audience eagerly awaiting the viewing
The producers Phil Dorman and Ken Fox
George Gray, the Mayor of Great Aycliffe and his wife Maude
George Gray, Mayor of Great Aycliffe and his wife Maude
Audience eagerly awaiting the viewing
Audience eagerly awaiting the viewing
Ken Fox talking to members of the audience before the viewing
Ken Fox talking to members of the audience before the viewing
Phil Dorman and Ken Fox being photographed by the reporter
Looking at the booklet
Post viewing chat
Phil Dorman and Ken Fox being photographed by the reporter
Looking at the booklet
Post viewing chat
Post viewing chat
Post viewing chat
Post viewing chat
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Post viewing chat
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