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Photographs were lent to the Society for scanning with an aim to show the development of the village and the lives of the villagers.

Social for NETEL Stephen Gladwin wagonette 1890
North Eastern Trading Estates LTD Staff Social to be held at the Gretna Green Hotel January 31st 1946, 6-0 to 11.0 PM. Courtesy David Blair.

Stephen Gladwin's wagonette 1890. The young girl at the back is believed to be Betsie Gladwin. Bestie Gladwin is the grandmother of Kevin Nelson. The photograph is believed to have been taken in West Terrace, near where the old toilet used to be. Stephen Gladwin used to take villagers to Darlington, only setting off when there were enough people. Market day in Darlington was busiest, with women taking butter and cheese to market.

Tuesday evening was a regular journey to take theatre goers to Darlington. Saturdays in winter footballers booked the wagonette, and in summer cricketeers did the same.

Stephen Gladwin would blow his horn to let villagers using the wagonette know when he was ready to leave. The wagonette would be where the official bus stop is near the village green.

Photograph and information courtesy of Kevin Nelson, great great grandson of Stephen Gladwin.

Nigel Temple has informed us that Stephen's brother William married Alice Mills, the aunt of George Mills on the Deaths Accidental page. Also that Aurthur Gargett, 1914 - 1936, only son of Dawson Gargett and Ada Jane Garthwaite, was the great great nephew of George Mills. Nigel has provided a link to a very interesting story of his death

Aurthur's kerb plot gives these details : In loving memory of Arthur Chapman dearly loved son of Dawson and Ada J Gargett d. Sep 4 1936 aged 22 yrs. Also Dawson dealry loved husband of Ada J Gargett d. Nov 26 1945 aged 66 yrs. Also of Ada Jane his dear wife d. Jan 9 1968 aged 87 yrs.

Gretna Green Wedding Inn, 1954
Gretna Green Wedding Inn, 1954, taken by Mollie Thomas who was here from Sydney, Australia. She entitled the photograph "Morning Tea Stop on way to York. Courtesy Graeme Fernie from Australia.
Garage at Gatehouse
New garage
Garage at Gatehouse
New garage - Harold Taylor
Snow, winter 1979, North Terrace, Aycliffe, courtesy Dabid Blair
Original garage Aycliffe Village
North Terrace, Aycliffe, Winter 1979, courtesy David Blair
Original garage Gatehouse, Aycliffe Village - Harold Taylor
Snow, winter  1979, North Terrace, Aycliffe, courtesy David Blair
Snow, wintwe 1979, North Terrace, Aycliffe, courtesy David Blair
North Terrace, Aycliffe, Winter 1979, courtesy David Blair
North Terrace, Aycliffe, Winter 1979, courtesy David Blair
Old Chapel and snow
North Briton
Chapel right of centre, courtesy G. Lowcock
North Briton, courtesy G. Lowcock
Village tap
Old photograph of St. Andrew's Church
Village tap at Monks End
St. Andrew's Church, courtesy G. Lowcock
View of Aycliffe from the railway
Old Church School on the village green
View of Aycliffe from the railway
Old Church School on the village green
The Shrubberies, Aycliffe
The Skerne, Aycliffe
The Shrubberies, Aycliffe
The Skerne, Aycliffe
Postcard of Well Bank
Bridge over the Skerne at Monksend
Postcard of Well Bank
Bridge over the river Skerne at Monksend
The old Vicarage
Old North Briton
The old Vicarage
The old North Briton
Murton House Farm, from the Green
The North Briton, before the new road
Murton House Farm from the Green, scanned by Ken Fox
The North Briton, before the new road
High Street, Aycliffe
Monks End with river Skerne
High Street, Aycliffe, scanned by Ken Fox
Monks End with river Skerne, scanned by Ken Fox
High Street, Aycliffe
High Street, Aycliffe
High Street, Aycliffe, scanned by Ken Fox
High Street, Aycliffe, scanned by Ken Fox
1, Heighington Stree, the Shaw family
County Hotel and Bottom Row
1, Heighington Street - the Shaw family, scanned by Ken Fox
County Hotel and Bottom Row, scanned by Ken Fox
Aycliffe House
C. Kent, Butcher
Aycliffe House, scanned by Ken Fox
C. Kent, Butcher, scanned by Ken Fox
4 & 5 Durham Road
Station Terrace
4 & 5 Durham Road, Aycliffe, scanned by Ken Fox
Station Terrace, scanned by Ken Fox
Aycliffe Station
Aycliffe Station, 1965
Aycliffe Station, 3 April, 1949, scanned by Ken Fox
Aycliffe Station, 1965, scanned by Ken Fox
Glebe Farm, courtesy Peter Ellerton
Aycliffe Station
Glebe Farm, courtesy Peter Ellerton
Aycliffe Station, scanned by Ken Fox
Aycliffe Station, April 20, 1906, courtesy Mrs Flower
  Miles Snowdon has been in contact and has identified two photographs in his possession from the photograph of 1906 on the left. His grandfather and great grandfather were station masters in the North East of England. He is wondering if his grandfather, Robert Henry Snowdon, worked at Aycliffe. He was further upline at Birtley in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Miles has put old photographs online. Click here to view these.
Aycliffe Station, April 20, 1906, courtesy Mrs Flower
Aycliffe Station, courtesy of Miles Snowdon
Aycliffe Station, courtesy of Miles Snowdon
Aycliffe Station, courtesy of Miles Snowdon
Aycliffe Station, courtesy of Miles Snowdon
Preston West Farm, courtesy of Christine
Aycliffe High Street, courtesy of Christine
Preston West Farm, courtesy of Christine
Aycliffe High Street, courtesy of Christine
Gretna Green Wedding Inn, courtesy Ida Hadrick
Travellers Rest October 2 1934
Boddington Family, Gretna Green Wedding Inn , courtesy Ida Hadrick
The Travellers Rest, October 2, 1934
Old House, courtesy Bob Shaw
Old House, courtesy Bob Shaw
The Chapel
Church School, Aycliffe  
Aycliffe, November 27, 1906, courtesy Mrs Flower
Church School, Aycliffe
Aycliffe, November 27, 1906, courtesy Mrs Flower , Chapel in centre
Church School, Aycliffe
The Flower's House, courtesy Mrs Flower
Church School, Aycliffe
The Flower's House marked by X, courtesy Mrs Flower, Chapel on left
Church School, Aycliffe
The Green, 1966, courtesy Mrs Flower
Church School, Aycliffe
The Green, 1966, courtesy Mrs Flower, Chapel on left
Church School, 1950s
Church School, 1950s
The Wynd, Aycliffe
The Wynd, Aycliffe
The Wynd, Aycliffe
The Wynd, Aycliffe
County Hotel
The County, August 4, 2008
The County Hotel
The County, August 4, 2008
High Street, Aycliffe
High Street, Aycliffe
High Street, Aycliffe
High Street, Aycliffe
East Rowm, Aycliffe
North Terrace, Aycliffe
East Row, Aycliffe
North Terrace, Aycliffe
River Skerne, Monks End, Christmas 1906
River Skerne, Well Bank
River Skerne, Monks End , Christmas 1906
River, Skerne, Well Bank
West Terrace, Aycliffe
West Terrace, Aycliffe