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1841 Census Historical Data Tree Planting commemorating the men on the War Memorial
1841 Census Brafferton History  
  H Ord  
1851 Census Houses Victor Plesket
    Village Activities
1861 Census    
  Incumbents Walter Donkin White
1871 Census Indenture 1763 Walter Fairnie
  Index page Walter Galloway
    Walter Graham
1891 Census In our Image video Walter Metcalfe
    Walter Robert Scott
  Jack Blenkinsopp Walter Robinson
1891 Rates Jack Desmond Pepper Walter Rossiter
  Jack Sargeant  
1901 Census James Slack War Memorial
1901 Census Preston le Skerne Jacob Walker WW1 Exhibition
  James Burns WW1 Exhibition in Newton Aycliffe Town Centre
  James Cecil Kent WW1 treeplanting
Aaron Ditchburn James Edward Robson Weavers
Absent Voters' List October 1918 James Hutchinson Coulson Whellan's Directory 1856
Adam Cree James Leng Who are they?
Aerial view of St Andrew's Church James Lockey
Alan Wheadon James Marshall Wilfred Thompson
Albert Clethero
Albert Plaskitt James Parker Wilfred Hereward Wake
Albert Smith James Shelmerdine William Albert Christie
Albert William Dove James Walter White William Anthony Boddy
  James William Graham  
Alexander Dunn James William Quickmire William Hakin
Alfred Edward Avery James Young William Hall
Alfred Metcalfe Jane Tait William Henry Davies
Alick Nelson John Atkinson William Jervis Matson
Alick Searle John Barton William Kent
Alfred Ascanius Futter John Blair William Lincoln Robinson
Alfred Bunting John Branningan William Marr
Alfred Johnson John Brunton William McNally
Alfred Joseph Kent John Bullen William Nelson
Alfred Matson John Christie William Palmer
John Errington
Alfred Timbs John George Futter William Long Palmer
Ambrose Binks Firby John George Wallis William Pinkney
Ambrose Lockey
Andrew Lane's father John Godfrey Coles William Lockey
Annie Leafe John Hewitt William Robert Ditchburn
John James Dawson  
Anthony Coates John Joseph Hardy William Robinson
Archaeology John Reeder William Robinson
Archdeacon's Court John Plunkett Verney Hawksley William Scott
Archibald Scott Marquis John Robert Leng William Storey
Arthur Duck John Thomas Furness William Vickers
Arthur George Geldard John Thomas Gosling  
Arthur Oakley John Walley Rangecroft Worked flint
John William Clethero
Arthur Robert Bruce John Willie Lax  
Arthur Robinson John Liddle  
Arthur Huntly Sargeant John Parker  
Arthur Thomas Timbs John and Annie Jane Robinson Ypres visit 2015
Arthur Vincent Pratt
August 4, 1914 - August 4, 2014 John Smith and Baker Greenwell  
Aycliffe Quarry John Snowden  
Aylmer Eade John Tweddle  
  John A Wardle  
  John Walter Kent  
  John Wanless Cox  
Baker Greenwell Will 1839 Joseph Blenkinsopp  
Benjamin Aaron Davies Joseph Boddy  
Benjamin Robinson Joseph Christie  
Bobby Wilson Joseph Edwin Johnson  
Buckton Shaw War Effort Joseph Leadbitter  
Burial Register Joseph Mayne  
  Joseph Rippeth  
  Joseph Robinson  
Cecil Frederick Gottlieb Coles Joseph Watson  
Census data J. Walker  
Charles Edwin Robinson Kelly's Post Office Directory, 1858  
Charles Frederick Gell Kelly's Post Offie Directory, 1879  
Charles Goodwin    
Charles Harry Cornick    
Charles Henry Ludgate    
Charles Henry Slater Land Tax of Great Aycliffe 1783  
Charles Matson    
Charles Robert Edwards Lawrence Jessop  
Charles Rutherford Scott Leonard Vincent Potts  
Charles Wheadon Leslie Gilbert Scott  
Christopher Cree L Foulger  
Churches Links  
Church Rates 1837 Louis Ethelbert Burbidge  
  Mary Richardson Robinson  
  Matthew Thorogood Akers  
David Cecil Marquis    
David Dickinson Matthew Denham  
Deaths Accidental Maude E Wilson White  
Durham Local Militia 1816 Michael Farrell  
DVD Launch Moor Marshall  
More Loyal Lads from Aycliffe
  Mrs Burgoyne  
  Mrs Trayling and Mrs Kent  
Edgar Clethero Newton Aycliffe  
Edgar Matson Nicholas Lewis  
Edward Bloomfield Norman Kent  
Edward Henry Pratt    
Dedication of CWGC Headstone for Edward Henry Pratt
Edward John Duck Oliver Edward Dunn  
Edward Smith Orlands  
Edward Wardle    
Edward Wilfred Biglin
Edwin Kent    
Edwin Lockey
Edwin Tiffney P. A. Dee  
Ellerton Family    
Eric Boulby Parson & White Directory 1828  
Ernest Arthur Franklin Patrick Lee  
Ernest Hollingworth Patrick O'Neill  
Ernest Pedley People  
Ernest William Buckle Percy Edmundson Oates  
Exhibition Percy John Garthwaite  
  Percy Robinson  
  Peter Williams Davies  
  Peter Maughan  
Flower Festival Photographs  
Francis Bowmer Place Names  
Fred Robinson Protestation Oath  
Frederick Dent    
Frederick Everson Queries  
Frederick Hadrick    
Frederick Horseman Ralph Graham  
Frederick Rickaby Ralph Hebdon  
Frederick Taylor Robert Barker Crusher 1916  
  Robert Hardy  
  Robert Rippeth  
  Robert Robson Lamb  
G Stevenson Robert Searle  
George Alfred Jagger Richard Garry  
George Bowmer Richard William Freeman
George Briggs Richard Timbs  
George Dring River Skerne and Mills  
George Ernest Foulger Robert Bowerbank  
George E Kent Robert Rowell  
George W Baker Robert Addison Dale  
George Bullen Robert Henry Maude  
George William Davison Robert Robinson  
George Dickinson Robert S Oates  
George Holliday Roland Thompson  
George Horton
George Lockey
George Oakley Samuel Futter  
George Richardson Scandal of the Vicar's son  
George Slater Schools  
George Stocks School Pupils 1837  
George Henry Timbs School Scandal  
George Thomas Cox Sidney Wooler Marshall  
George Tweddle Simon Fairnie  
George Tweddle WW1
Gibson Wills Slater's Directory 1864  
Great Aycliffe Parish Council letter January 1915 Slaughterman's Pit  
Great Aycliffe Parish Council letter February 1915 Snippets  
Somme 100
  Spensley Burns  
  St. Andrew's Banns Register  
H. Thomas St. Andrew's Baptism Register 1500s  
Hagar and Co.'s Directory, 1851 St. Andrew's Baptism Register 1600s  
Halmota St. Andrew's Baptism Register 1700s  
Harry Hildreth Goldsbrough St. Andrew's Baptism Register 1800s  
Harold Leslie Kent St. Andrew's Burial Register  
Harold Oakley St. Andrew's Burial Register 1799-1812  
Harry Searle St. Andrew's Church  
Harold Speight St. Andrew's Church Marriages  
Harold Wright Stephen Gladwin  
Harry Mills Garthwaite Synod, Plague, Races  
Harry Nelson    
Harry Newton Futter    
Harry Walker    
Harry Watson William Biglin
Headstones Taylor Peirson  
Henry Atkinson & John Tweddle Tenants Handbook  
Henry Goundry The Arts  
Henry James Bell The Green  
Henry Scott The Vicar of Aycliffe and the Brontes  
Thomas Alfred Clethero
Henry Stephen Lee Thomas Henry Balmer  
Herbert Christie Thomas Birchall  
Herbert Dodds Thomas Bowmer  
Herbert Farrow Thomas Butterfield  
Herbert Grainger Thomas Hardy  
Herbert Thorwald Coles Thomas Henry Wake  
Herbert Thomas Thomas Holliday  
Herbert Wardle Thomas Hopper Carrick  
Heroes Thomas Lackenby Ditchburn  
  Thomas Lowery  
  Thomas Lowery D.C.M.  
  Thomas Walker Ferguson  
  Thomas Waterworth  
  Thomas William Wooff  
  Thomas William Hedworth  
  Thomas Wright  